Community Goal: $12,000

The Keep Dimond Clean annual fundraiser helps pay for a 5-day-a-week clean-up in the Dimond District by the Bay Area Clean Team (BACT), an Oakland-based small business. BACT focuses on litter pick-up, but also removes graffiti, clears storm drains, and steam cleans sidewalks. Keep Dimond Clean volunteers clean the beautify the Dimond the other 2 days of the week – Wednesday and Saturday. The fundraiser also helps pay for a once-a-year power-washing of sidewalks, and expenses related to the 2-day-a-week volunteer litter walks.
Your also donation directly supports Keep Dimond Clean’s volunteer and paid greening activities in the Dimond, including weeding and mulching tree wells and landscaped areas – an important part of beautifying our local environment! The more funds we raise, the more we can do!
We rely on donations from people like you to make all of this possible. Your donation is tax deductible and, best of all, you can see the benefits every day!
2024 Dimond Organization Donations:
In addition to our community fundraiser, Keep Dimond Clean paid services are supported by generous allocations from the Dimond Improvement Association and the Dimond Merchants Association, made possible by the revenue from the annual Oaktoberfest in the Dimond.

Keep Dimond Clean (KDC) is a program of the Dimond Improvement Association (DIA). All donations made to KDC (via DIA) are designated funds to be used solely for Dimond merchant area maintenance and related expenses. DIA annual membership is not included with a donation to KDC.