Photos 2017

  Dave Feb 2017  Dick,Tom Feb 2017

Photos 2016

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Congratulations 7

Keep Dimond Clean (KDC) volunteers were honored by the Dimond Improvement Association (DIA) on April 6, 2016. Appreciation to KDC volunteers Zandile, John (in memory), Bob, Marcia, Marilyn, Tim, and Stan.  Zandile (at left) is Keep Dimond Clean team leader and organized this special event honoring Keep Dimond Clean volunteers.

Congratulations 5

Appreciation to KDC volunteers Dick, Kathy, Leroy, Phil, and Tom


Appreciation to KDC volunteers MarySue, Jim, Tom, Tricia, and Noel

Congratulations 2

Appreciation to KDC volunteers Robert, Karen Marie, JoAnn, Marion, and Tom


Appreciation to KDC volunteers (in photo above):  Kiana, Chuck, Jean, Cecilia, and Michael.  Thanks also to KDC volunteers including Beth, Daphne, David, Jean, Jeff, Julie, Kathleen, and Pablo.

Thank You Stan

Thank you to Stan, Keep Dimond Clean co-founder, volunteer, and manager of La Farine Bakery, sponsor of treats and coffee/tea for KDC volunteers since 2009!

Thank You John

Thank you to KDC volunteer John.


Tom Rose introduces fellow musicians Carol Schwamberger, Katherine Baird, and Leonore Kish.


Classical Music Concert in celebration of Keep Dimond Clean volunteers.

Thanks to La Farine Bakery, 1812, and DIA

Celebration included treats from La Farine Bakery, coffee from 1812, and fruit jubilee from DIA.

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Thank you La Farine Bakery for sponsorship


Thank you Abdo of Two Star Market for your generous contribution

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Earring Display found in bushes near 580 on Saturday, April 2. Volunteers looking for owner. Email with information.
